

Amazing technology often starts here. Exploring breakthroughs and discoveries across biology, physics, chemistry, and earth science.

researchers research with video

Researchers develop nano-thin gold coating to prevent glass from fogging up

Ideal for eyeglasses and windshields
In a nutshell: Researchers at ETH Zurich have spent the last few years perfecting a coating capable of passively preventing fogging on glass surfaces. Their latest iteration consists of extremely thin clusters of gold situated between ultrathin layers of titanium oxide on the top and bottom. The resulting coating is able to absorb a portion of infrared radiation from the Sun, which heats up the surface by as much as eight degrees Celsius and prevents condensation from forming.
research medical medical research medical science

UK clinical trials transfuse two people using blood produced in a lab

Why it matters: Hospitals have a constant need for donated blood. Approximately 30,000 units per day are used to treat accident victims and people with blood ailments like sickle cell anemia. Hospitals often suffer shortages when they receive a high number of trauma patients. But what if we could duplicate a typical donation in a lab and give it a longer shelf life?
mri medical helium medicine medical science medical care magnetic resonance imaging

A global helium shortage has doctors concerned about a squeeze on MRIs

In context: Helium is an element that most of us take for granted. We use it to float birthday balloons. It is also a component in some electronics, such as helium-filled hard drives. Magnetic resonance Imaging (MRI) machines use liquid helium for superconducting magnets. Unfortunately, the earth is running out of this essential element.