COMMENT: The New York climate summit was a first step says Mohamed Adow. We should stop asking what it achieved, and begin walking
RTCC examines how to build resilience to drought in the Horn of Africa to protect communities from future dry periods.
New report from Christian Aid says resources to tackle over-consumption must be met with strong political will to shift focus away from over-population and ensure sustainable development.
Nearly 700 Kenyan farmers have taken part in a trial to integrate advanced weather forecasts from climate scientists into their traditional farming methods.
Chris Hegarty, Christian Aid’s Senior Policy Advisor for Scotland writes for RTCC about the bold moves the country took last week and the need for the country to continue to be a strong leader in the future.
With COP17 almost underway, RTCC’s Tierney Smith speaks to the leading activist and green groups to find out if they’re hopeful of a new dawn in Durban.