Comments on: Is natural gas really a bridge to a greener future? Climate change news, analysis, commentary, video and podcasts focused on developments in global climate politics Sun, 07 Jun 2015 05:54:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gen Eral Richh Sun, 07 Jun 2015 05:54:00 +0000 … in the first place better reduce wastage and consumption … also try to reduce the world population by half within 100-years through birth rate control of 1 or 2 is just nice enough… the primitive mindset of conquering the world and your enemies by shear numbers is long out of date … a nuclear holocaust can wipe out millions instantly … leaving billions to perish within that year … of course unless we can migrate to other planets by the billions soon … the current consumption required 4-Earths to sustain …

By: keith hinkel Mon, 01 Jun 2015 17:29:00 +0000 No way Nat Gas is just as bad as coal for CO2, heavy metals, it has 1/5th the BTU heat as coal so much, much more is needed to make steam for electric, heating, cooking. The only way to “Go Green” is hydrogen fuel cells.

By: Dude Mon, 01 Jun 2015 16:50:00 +0000 Natural gas is most certainly a good bridge to alternatives. Our fracking boom here in the US is really just the beginning. Shale gas is available around the planet and many nations are now seeing the available resource. Certainly much has to be done to regulate fracking from establishing good drilling practices including the use of the least noxious materials during fracking, good testing and compliance reviews by qualified personnel (other than the drilling contractor) and cutting off all potential sources of leakage. Provided that these items can be accomplished, natural gas can have a very significant, long-lasting positive impact on many types of pollution.
