By John Parnell
It was one of the iconic images of the Rio Earth Summit in 1992. Hundreds, if not thousands, of delegates’ signatures, vowed to uphold a simple pledge. So how are they doing?

Did you sign the pledge wall? Get in touch. (Source: UN/Michos Tzovaras)
The Pledge
“Recognizing that people’s actions toward nature and each other are the source of growing damage to the environmental resources needed to meet human needs and ensure survival and development, I PLEDGE to act to the best of my ability to help make the Earth a secure and hospitable home for present and future generations.”
Twenty years on from the original conference, many of those delegates will return.
How much progress has truly been made is up for debate. Now many of those signatories will return to the same conference centre to try again.
If you signed the pledge wall we want to hear from you. Even if you missed out on the wall but attended the summit get in touch using any of the methods below.
We’ll be compiling some reflections from delegates of Rio ’92 in the coming weeks to assess just what lessons those attending Rio+20 can learn.
Were you at the Earth Summit in 1992? Did you sign the pledge wall? Get in touch via a tweet to @RTCCnewswire or email [email protected]