Influential bloc of emerging economies sets out priorities for Paris pact with finance and differentiation topping agenda

The BASIC group of India, China, South Africa and Brazil are keen there is still “differentiation” between the two annexes
By Ed King
Four of the world’s top emerging economies have released a 21-point statement outlining how they see a global climate change pact working.
The BASIC group of countries is comprised of India, China, Brazil and South Africa, and usually meets once or twice a year to determine negotiating strategies at UN talks.
Ministers – who met in New York this weekend – say the current set of talks on a deal – set to be signed off in Paris later this year – need to be accelerated, and welcome the prospect of a new “streamlined and concise document” outlining various options for agreement.
Any final deal will need to “fully reflect differentiated responsibilities and distinct development stages of developed and developing countries” says their statement, while stressing the need for richer countries to lead.
The group expresses its “disappointment” at the lack of finance flowing from developed to developing countries, urging those who should contribute more to “honour their obligations.”
Ministers also indicate that national pledges relating to greenhouse gas cuts and plans to cope with future climate extremes are “at an advanced stage”. The UN has called for all countries to submit these by October 1 this year.
Read the full version below.