Comments on: McDonald’s announces move towards sustainable beef Climate change news, analysis, commentary, video and podcasts focused on developments in global climate politics Sat, 11 Jan 2014 01:23:00 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Mahony Sat, 11 Jan 2014 01:23:00 +0000 The term “sustainable beef” is an oxymoron. The world’s leading climate scientist, Dr James Hansen says we will not overcome climate change without (in addition to moving away from coal as a fuel source) massive reforestation. Due to the inherent inefficiency and massive land requirements of beef and other animal products, that won’t be possible unless we move away from animals as a food source. Other related problems such as methane, tropospheric ozone and black carbon are also critical. Any quest for sustainable beef represents tinkering around the edges, achieving virtually nothing.

By: Paul Mahony Fri, 10 Jan 2014 13:43:00 +0000 Any talk of sustainable meat is tinkering at the edges. Meat is inherently and grossly inefficient as a food source, which contributes massively to its greenhouse gas emissions. Here are some of my thoughts:
