Country plans to store excess wind energy in sand island two miles offshore when demand for it is low
Analysis: Solar and wind sectors reported capacity landmarks this week but cost of low carbon energy is the magic number
Bloomberg report reveals renewable energy, gas and energy efficiency made mark on greenhouse gas output
Group says there is too little detail on how laudable emissions reduction and clean energy targets will be met and how policies will be paid for
Emissions growth slowing and renewables could still avoid the “nuclear ceiling” and continue as the fastest growing energy source globally
President calls for clean energy investment at sustainability summit in Abu Dhabi before lobbying on behalf of oil industry
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0830-1700 GMT
Use the new interactive Global Atlas of potential solar and wind resources to see if your country can outshine California or outblow Mongolia
Iceland’s ambassador to Japan Stefan Larus Stefansson says the country should learn from Iceland’s experience and pursue a geothermal energy boom
New poll shows turning tide in US attitudes to climate change and clean energy with overwhelming majority saying it should be on Congress’ to do list.
Forget the stalemate at the UN climate change talks, back home the US is making more climate change progress than its partisan politics would have you think.
Climate Live: The latest climate change headlines curated by RTCC, updated daily from 0900-1700 BST
Report claims 3 billion tonnes of CO2 could be saved but critics question benefits of “big-hydro” on social and environmental grounds.
Business and government could do worse than follow in Australian footsteps writes, Jennifer Morgan, director of the climate and energy programme at the World Resource Institute.
Emerging barrage technology harnesses tides without need to flood estuaries with estimates of 100 GW of potential available in China alone.
Former US President hits out at Republican plans aimed at protecting coal industry, saying environmental and economic advantages of clean tech sector make it vital part of USA’s future
China’s economic expansion remains remarkably resilient in the face of the global economic crisis – and much of it is down to a renewable energy sector that is working for the rest of the world
In an age of austerity and bank collapses could Crowdfunding provide a long-term and sustainable form of finance for renewable energy and other ‘green’ schemes?
The Climate Group reveals Beijing’s plans to focus on ten mitigation and ten adaptation tools as it looks to tackle climate change head-on.
40% growth expected during next five years but US market faces “crash” as tax subsidy closes at end of 2012.